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Sold 30x PolyJohn Hand Wash Stations - Buckinghamshire


30 hand wash stations. In very good condition, very little usage. These stations are a two-station portable sink that features two soap dispensers, four paper towel dispensers, and hands-free, foot-pump operation to limit touch points. Fantastic addition for large scale events, long term solution with lack of water on site or at schools

With a freshwater capacity of 22 gallons and grey water capacity of 24 gallons, the Bravo provides nearly 350 uses without refilling. Moving the sink is simple thanks to its compact and innovative design. It will easily fit inside most portable restrooms for transport, and its built-in lift handles make it simple to manoeuvre and place.

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Location Bucks. LU7 0UU

This item is now sold

Price: Sold
Brand: PolyJohn (19)